Friday, January 23, 2009

CRC hosts question and answer sessions on number of lanes for future I-5 bridge

VANCOUVER – The Oregon and Washington transportation departments invite community members to learn more about the tradeoffs associated with an 8-, 10- or 12-lane Interstate 5 bridge over the Columbia River at upcoming informational sessions. Project staff will provide a presentation, answer questions and accept public comment.

Two question and answer sessions are scheduled:

* Wednesday, January 21: 6 – 7:30 p.m., Clark County Elections building, Room 226, 1408 Franklin St., Vancouver, Wash. 98660

* Saturday, January 24: 9:30 – 11 a.m., Kaiser Town Hall, Conference rooms A & B, 3704 N. Interstate Ave., Portland, Ore. 97227

A replacement I-5 bridge will have three “through” lanes in each direction and up to three lanes in each direction to connect interchanges in the five-mile project area. These connector lanes are known as add/drop or auxiliary lanes. No add/drop lanes are proposed north or south of the project area. The upcoming question and answer sessions will focus on the number of add/drop lanes and the choices and potential traffic and environmental effects of the 8-, 10-, and 12-lane scenarios. Information presented will include data on the purpose, safety and efficiency of add/drop lanes and the decision making process for determining the number to be included in the project.

Comments received will be provided to the CRC’s Project Sponsors Council. The council will use the comments to aid in its recommendation for the project’s number of lanes, expected in early February.

CRC is a bi-state project to reduce congestion, enhance mobility and improve safety on I-5 between SR 500 in Vancouver and Columbia Boulevard in Portland. The project will replace the I-5 bridge, extend light rail to Vancouver, improve six interchanges, and enhance the bicycle and pedestrian path between the two cities. Cost estimates for the project range from $3.1 to $4.2 billion, a portion of which would be financed by bridge tolls. More information may found at:

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